Cohesive Teams

Establishing trust and psychological safety for more innovation and creativity


If teams fail to become cohesive and high performing, it’s likely due to one or more of these dysfunctions:



Cohesive teams share five qualities:

  1. Psychologically safety
    Team members feel safe to take risks and be vulnerable in front of each other. “If I make a mistake on this team it’s not held against me.”

  2. Impact
    Team members think their work matters and creates change. “I understand how our team’s work contributes to the organization’s goals.”

  3. Meaning
    Work is personally important to team members. “The work I do for our team is meaningful to me.”

  4. Structure and clarity
    Team members have clear roles, plans, and goals. “Our team has effective processes for prioritizing, making decisions, and getting the right work done.”

  5. Dependability
    Team members get things done on time and have high standards for themselves and each other. “When someone on our team says they’ll do something they follow through with it.”


And must strive to answer these six clarity questions:


What an engagement with sr4 might look like:


Introduction to cohesive teams and psychological safety and trust building

Continue month one activities and begin answering questions to provide structure and clarity, meaning, and dependability

Finalize answers to questions and establish norms for commitment and accountability

Begin teaching answers to the clarity questions throughout the commercial organization


And Looking Beyond — Move from team alignment to organizational alignment by building cohesive teams throughout the commercial organization