A Training Series for Spaulding Ridge People Leaders

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Leadership Matters

Welcome to leadership at Spaulding Ridge! Whether you are a first-time people leader or an executive, we take leading the band seriously. As leaders, our tone has consequences and keeping to our company’s beat is critical. It is both a privilege and responsibility to help our team find their rhythm and empower each bandmate to play to the best of their unique abilities.

Our ultimate impact as leaders is not simply about utilization, it’s about realizing the full potential of our people, and maximizing our value to clients. This Leading the Band Training Series is designed to strengthen your leadership and ensure that together, we successfully rise to the opportunities and challenges ahead for our firm.

  • Expand self-leadership skills critical for personal and professional growth

  • Enhance emotional intelligence and your ability to navigate personnel challenges

  • Improve communication, collaboration, and coaching skills

  • Strengthen your ability to lead inclusively, building trust with your team and clients

Leading the Band Training 2021:

Each of the following training sessions will be 90 minutes and include small group breakout discussions with peer-level leaders. These monthly trainings will begin  Thursday, February 18th, 2021.

The Art of Delegation and Accomplishing through Others

See the recording of this session from Thursday, February 18th, 2021

Delegating effectively is one of the most critical skills a people leader needs to learn. Getting proper buy-in, providing a sense of ownership, and maintaining follow through are all necessary components of delegating effectively, but there is more to it than that. In this interactive leadership training, we’ll provide the framework for effective delegation, explore what inhibits and enables accomplishing through others, and how to set you and your team up for success. In this session you will:

  • Identify what is keeping you from better delegation

  • Learn a 4-step process for successful delegation

  • Explore the keys to getting more done in a way that fosters collaboration and buy-in



Healthy Conflict for a Distributed Workforce

See the recording of this session from Thursday, March 18th, 2021

Conflict is a reality of life, and now a part of our highly virtual and distributed work world. Handling conflict with a balance of confidence and humility is the sign of a purpose-driven leader and will create a culture of trust and collaboration on your team. In this leadership training, we’ll uncover the five modes of conflict, your conflict preferences, how to be versatile in your approach, and tips for navigating conflict in our remote work world. What to expect:

  • An overview of the 5 modes of conflict and self-assess your preferences

  • How to address avoidance and anger when dealing with difficult situations

  • Best practices in conflict resolution for distributed teams

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Approaching Diversity and Inclusion with Authenticity

See the recording of this session from Thursday, April 22nd, 2021

Laying the foundation for effective diversity and inclusion work requires a thoughtful approach. Our team members can tell if we are simply checking boxes or if we truly understand what’s at stake in this conversation. In this leadership training, we’ll explain the importance of reflecting on your lived experience and identifying your personal “why”. We’ll share research on how diversity and belonging impact innovation, productivity and profit. And more importantly, we’ll identify the behaviors and practices that will help lead your team to an authentically inclusive culture. What to expect:

  • Explore and discuss your personal experience with diversity and inclusion and why it is important to you

  • Understand the business case for diversity, equity and inclusion

  • Identify behaviors and practices that you can apply to cultivate authentic leadership on your team


The Science Behind Motivation and Getting the Best from Your Team 

See the recording of this session from Thursday, May 20th, 2021
Motivation — the willingness to get the job done by starting rather than procrastinating, persisting in the face of distractions, and investing enough mental effort to succeed — accounts for 40% of the success of team projects. Yet managers are often at a loss as to how to effectively motivate team members. In this leadership training, we’ll explore how the science behind motivation can be one of your most effective levers in employee performance. We’ll work through specific examples and a role play to help you become a more motivational leader. What to expect:

  • Apply proven intrinsic and extrinsic motivational techniques

  • Understand why people feel unmotivated and what to do about it

  • Recognize how the power of belief in others is the difference-maker in performance

Growth Mindset and the Power of Curiosity

See the recording of this session from Thursday, June 24th 2021

Many leaders limit their potential by focusing only on the skills needed for the job, never addressing the mindsets that shape our entire leadership journey and career. By fostering a growth rather than a fixed mindset, you can increase collaboration, innovation and productivity. In this leadership training, we will discuss the impact of a growth mindset and how to shift from fixed to growth-minded thinking. We will also explore two types of curiosity and how they can contribute to a more strategic approach to your work and leadership. 

  • Learn the difference between growth and fixed mindset and why it matters

  • Identify limiting thoughts and behaviors and commit to alternative responses

  • Understand the benefits of curiosity and apply best practices to real-life situations



Coaching Principles for Managers

See the recording of this session from Friday, August 13th 2021

Most employees achieve their best results when their manager is an effective coach. Most managers believe that they are coaching when they are actually teaching or telling people what to do. When leaders learn and apply coaching skills in their management of team members, everyone wins. In this leadership training, we will dig into what it means and what it looks like to be a coach for your team members. You will learn an effective coaching model to use to help your people grow, and we will identify and discuss the two key coaching behaviors that are most desired by those we manage. 

  • Identify the difference between teaching and coaching and when to apply each

  • Learn a coaching framework proven to help your people grow

  • Discover the two most critical coaching skills requested by employees

How to Effectively Give and Receive Feedback

See the recording of this session from Friday, October 22nd 2021

According to surveys, managers rank giving direct feedback as the communication responsibility that makes them most uncomfortable. If done poorly, feedback can easily demotivate and cause tension, but when done well, your team members and your organization will benefit. In this leadership training, we will discover and practice how to deliver feedback that results in meaningful change, a strengthened manager-employee relationship and improved communication confidence for you as a leader.

  • Examine how mindset influences one’s ability to ask for, give and receive feedback

  • Identify what impact the feedback loop has on your team’s productivity

  • Learn and practice a framework for giving and receiving feedback that results in actionable improvements

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Developing Empathy & Understanding Relationship Management

See the recording of this session from December 3rd

Empathy continues to rank as one of the top competencies for good leadership and as a significant predictor of success. Empathy is the cornerstone of effective relationship management, and allows leaders to inspire followers, build trust, and drive their team toward their goals. In this leadership training, we provide the strategies and habits to cultivate more empathy, both in the workplace and beyond. We’ll learn how to build relationships that will boost your team’s creativity, enhance their ability to negotiate effectively and improve overall team.

  • Learn Daniel Goleman’s framework for emotional intelligence and differentiate between social recognition and social management

  • Identify the benefits of empathy in the workplace and what promotes or inhibits it in leaders

  • Practice applying relationship management and empathy skills in relevant scenarios

To see all trainings (including recordings) from 2020, click here

Questions? Contact Cara Halladay at challaday@spauldingridge.com.