sr4 Blog
A blog to level-up how you cultivate holistic leaders, build cohesive teams and create thriving cultures. We regularly publish tips, research & insights.
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While there is no one-size-fits-all approach to elevating people and culture at your organization, consider these 5 steps.
While there is no one-size-fits-all approach to elevating people and culture at your organization, consider these 5 steps.
Shouldn't we be hiring the best people? What about culture fit? In this article, Principal and Consultant Rich Johnson offers some responses to these and other frequently asked questions in an effort to support leaders as they navigate these important decisions around hiring for diversity.
The work of diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) doesn’t stop with a statement or a donation. It’s an ongoing initiative that requires vulnerable conversations, deep reflection, and significant investment. We’re grateful for the opportunity to support companies on their DEI journey and wanted to share a couple of observations about what we’ve seen to be effective.
Figuring out how to motivate employees has always kept leaders up at night. But with so many companies shifting to remote work in response to Covid, there’s a new twist: How do you motivate employees when they’re physically isolated from one another?
In a mostly remote work environment that defines our current reality, building team cohesion is more important than ever. But what, exactly, does that look like?
As a leader, the reality of mental health issues creating a “second pandemic” has implications for both the well-being of individuals on your team, as well as your overall team performance.
As we come to the close of a challenging year, it’s appropriate to recognize the important role that gratitude can play in our lives and the places we work. Leaders, in particular, can harness the power of gratitude to create better places to work, no matter what is happening in the world around us.
As we close out the year and look toward 2021, we do so with optimism, hoping that the “new normal” we build is actually a “better normal” - that we can turn the page and take with us the best of what we’ve learned. Here are the top 5 workplace trends we’ve identified for 2021 to help us cultivate that “better normal”.
Companies are counting on their leaders to navigate through a daunting cluster of never-before-seen challenges. And leaders are counting on their organizations to support them along the way — and into the future of work. What kind of leader will succeed? And what kind of learning and development programs will those leaders need to make this crucial transition?
Taking a proactive approach to facilitate and manage political conversations in the workplace is the best decision an organization can make. Here are eight tips we recommend for leaders as we head into the 2020 election.
Did you know that 1 in 4 women are considering downshifting their careers or leaving the workforce? This has significant and direct implications for your organization. Now is the time to lead holistically and promote gender equity so that all employees can thrive.
We condensed the best parts of our No BS Conversation with Garry Cooper, the CEO and Founder of Rheaply into a short 10-minute video. The circular economy, lessons for leaders at all levels, and how you can impact change are just a couple of the important topics we covered.
The success of your organization depends on the capabilities and character of your leaders, now more than ever – are you investing in their development?
Our Race & The Road to Inclusion conversation from our Ignite by sr4 Community covered so many crucial and timely topics relating to behaviors, culture/values, reducing bias and creating allyship in the workplace. Here is a short 6 minute recap video of some of the takeaways.
Becoming more empathic starts with how we listen. When you practice empathic listening, creativity can flourish, negotiations are more effective, and your relationships with customers and co-workers improve. Learn the ins and outs of developing this critical leadership skill in this post.
Conflict has always been a part of the workplace, a reality that naturally arises when different people with unique perspectives come together to work on a common goal. As we’ve transitioned to a more distributed world, these conflicts are surfacing in new ways. Learn how to ease these tensions healthily and productively.
What’s been made clear over the past several weeks is that issues related to race, equality, belonging, and psychological safety are more important than ever. And they will continue to shape our workplaces for the foreseeable future. Organizations hoping this is just a “hot topic” issue that will fade in the coming months are in for a rude awakening.
The challenges we face in society are mirrored in the workplace - that’s why it's imperative to build trust, openness, and psychological safety within your teams as a way to foster teamwork and collaboration.
Here at sr4 Partners, we denounce the continued acts of racial violence and oppression and stand in solidarity with black and brown communities.
Learn how to lead through ambiguity, generate new solutions and champion a culture of creativity that allows your organization to thrive.
The 3 big ideas for engagement in the workplace: well-being, purpose and connection.
To address our biggest communication challenges and succeed in our new reality requires a communication strategy that focuses on clarity, consistency and vulnerability.
Why we need to continuously challenge, grow, draw on past learnings, and get input from others.
Why we all need people who’ve already embraced the new and different to help guide the way.
A client asked if we’d be willing to share some tips for facilitating an effective ideation session. Here’s what we sent her.
At sr4, we use coaching to help emerging leaders increase awareness of their strengths and develop their skills.
When people are thriving in any environment they are more engaged, they are more connected, and they are happier.
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